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white valentine's card featuring red doodles of flowers, hearts, berries, mushrooms, and  teddy bear
white valentine's card with red doodles of dogs, hearts, flowers, and strawberries
white valentine's day card with a teddy bear wearing a pink shirt that says "love you" and holding a bouquet of white flowers
white valentine's card featuring blue doodles of flowers, hearts, berries, mushrooms, and  teddy bear
red ceramic sipper mug with strawberry design
white valentine's card with blue doodles of dogs, hearts, flowers, and strawberries
pink and red ceramic strawberry magnets
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white valentine's day card featuring a teddy bear holding a bouquet of pink flowers and wearing a pink shirt that reads "BFF"
blue sipper travel cup with a blue strawberry at the top
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2 in stock
12 oz blue ceramic bowl with hearts on the sides
1 in stock
ceramic aqua travel cup with a sipper top and hearts around the sides
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2 pink ceramic travel cups with strawberry shaped sipper tops
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blue ceramic travel cup with a scalloped sipper top
2 in stock